Monday, April 20, 2015

Quick dinner at Muine Vietnamese in Shenzhen: Pictures

Did not know this place existed, apparently it won, Thats PRD's award for best South East Asian 2014, which doesn't mean shit in teh real world. Thats PRD has turned into a crappy rag that simply does not know how to do food reviews or write, or do anything they are supposed to do. The awards are a joke, because they consistently give awards to places that have either shut down or pay the add revenues. This is China after all. More in this subject another time.

Strolling about COCO park, we stumbled upon this well decorated, crowded place, that smelled quite inviting, so we gave it a go. This is not a review so I am not getting into the finer details.
The food was decent, the service was good, the price was mid range...all in, a successful dine and dash. Not sure if this is the best Vietnamese in the city, but it sures ranks up there.

Once again these are just phone pics, no DSLR at hand. 

Fried Mandarin Fish, served with a tangy chili garlic sauce

Steamed Squid in a spicy lime sauce served with steamed okras. 

Sole fish and mango summer roll

Lemongrass Beef Skewers served with lettuce leaves, cucumbers and basil/mint to wrap them in. 

Honey Lemongrass roasted Chicken

Spring rolls also wrapped in lettuce and basil/mint. 

Seafood Streetfood, Shenzhen

Shenzhen China has some superb Street seafood, cheap, fast and spicy. taken down with the help of some cold TsingTao beer. We, as in the family, end up at the Shui Wei village street food street at least once a week. This post is just from one road side stall selling fiery shellfish tossed in some super spicy broth, hand eaten right there. 

The quality of the photographs is a bit wanting, but this is the best I could do wih my phone in bad light conditions. I will take our DSLR out there soon. 

Clams, Prawns, Crabs, Snails and more (the names escape me right now) 

I ordered a mixed bowl of crawfish tails and shrimp tossed in a spicy garlicky dip. 

These clams are particularly good this time of the year, here in a spicy broth.